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Aug 26, 20244 min read
Thoracic Dissection Goals w/ Alex Greene
Thoracic dissections - specifically, the management of blood pressure and heart rate in an attempt to decrease the shearing force against th

Aug 21, 20245 min read
Angioedema Crossroads
Both can present similarly in their extremes, but the treatment regimen differs.

Jonathon Jenkins
Aug 15, 202418 min read
Postpartum Hemorrhage: The Chapter We Skipped...
Alright, picture this: you are sitting at work waiting for the next call, when the crew working opposite of you returns from an incident....

Sam Ireland
Aug 5, 20245 min read
Cord Prolapse - Putting The Cart Before The Horse
A guide to assessment and management of umbilical cord prolapse.

Jul 28, 20242 min read
Can you really use a Slishman traction splint on a patient with both a femur fracture and a pelvic fracture?
I recently saw some inquiries on social media asking for more information on the claims that the Slishman traction splint can be used on...
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